Kamala Harris: I Forgot My AG Deputy Sexually Abused Women

By Stephen Frank Leave a Comment

Sen. Harris is as slimy as a Democrat can be. Now she is caught giving one million dollars of taxpayer funds to pay off the sexual harassment of her Deputy when she was Attorney General.  Oh, when asked, she could not remember the harassment or the payoff SHE authorized.

“Kamala Harris, who’s running for president on a vehement #MeToo platform as a Democrat, sure has a lot of memory problems.

It’s not just the $400,000 the state had to shell out based on the disgusting sex harassment behavior of her top lieutenant, Larry Wallace, her handpicked director for the division of law enforcement at the state attorney general’s office, which is quite a whopper in itself.  It’s the $700,000 in more California taxpayer payout money for the sex-harassing activities of her other lieutenants.  The Los Angeles Times reports that it did a search of public records and found that the total payout tally was $1.1 million.  I am going to assume that includes the $400,000 payout from Harris’s wingman Wallace, although the report doesn’t say.  Here’s the L.A. Times opener:”

Apparently she also overlooked the abuse of women by her Deputies—more proof she is a true Democrat.


More than a million paid out in California state sex harassment suits, and Kamala Harris recalls nothing

By Monica Showalter, American Thinker,  3/1/19

Kamala Harris, who’s running for president on a vehement #MeToo platform as a Democrat, sure has a lot of memory problems.

It’s not just the $400,000 the state had to shell out based on the disgusting sex harassment behavior of her top lieutenant, Larry Wallace, her handpicked director for the division of law enforcement at the state attorney general’s office, which is quite a whopper in itself.  It’s the $700,000 in more California taxpayer payout money for the sex-harassing activities of her other lieutenants.  The Los Angeles Times reports that it did a search of public records and found that the total payout tally was $1.1 million.  I am going to assume that includes the $400,000 payout from Harris’s wingman Wallace, although the report doesn’t say.  Here’s the L.A. Times opener:

The California Department of Justice paid more than $1.1 million to settle claims with employees who alleged they were sexually harassed or retaliated against by co-workers during the tenure of then-state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris from 2011 to 2017, according to documents obtained by The Times.

The cases, which were disclosed this week in response to a California Public Records Act request, come weeks after Harris launched her presidential bid, bringing new scrutiny to her record.  The incidents included allegations that DOJ employees sexually harassed and retaliated against co-workers, including claims involving inappropriate touching and cases in which workers felt uncomfortable with the comments and actions of others.

Harris says there were only 5,000 employees in that office, so that’s quite a payout record for that number of employees over a mere six-year period.

And again, the Times reports her claim, via a spokesman, that she never heard of it.  She was the state’s top law enforcer, and she knew nothing.  Did she go to her job?

This is the second time she’s claimed to know nothing about all the sex harassment claims going on in the outfit she says she ran.  I wrote about the earlier instance, here.

What’s more, it’s part of a string of things — all reflecting very badly on her — that she claims to have been completely in the dark about.  She defended planted false testimony in one prosecution, she sought to keep convicts in jail because of their use to the state for fighting forest fires, she tried to squelch exonerating DNA evidence in the case of one man in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, and other forgetfulness.  What’s more, she misrepresented her stance on reporting to ICE underage illegal aliens, probably gang members, accused of crimes, in a bid to look good to leftists.

Now we learn that the sex harassment payouts from her state office were nearly three times what they had been reported earlier, and she says she knew nothing.

What kind of office did she run?  And was she so busy sleeping her way to the top that she had no time to hire decent people?

What’s particularly galling about this is her now belated claim to take “full responsibility” for the office perverts she supposedly supervised:

“As the chief executive of a department of nearly 5,000 employees, the buck stopped with me,” Harris said in a statement.  “No one should face harassment or intimidation in the workplace, and victims of sexual misconduct should be listened to, believed and protected.”

It’s nonsense.  She didn’t take responsibility, the taxpayers took responsibility — she was the one who was asleep at the wheel.

If this isn’t more proof positive that she isn’t ready for higher office, what is?